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Young Buffalo

Means "trẻ trâu", a slang in Vietnam, used to describe different types of people that are usually toxic, edgy, stupid,... blahblah.
The word "trẻ" (Subject) does not mean "young" (Adj), It means "kid" and "trâu" means "buffalo". It can be easily understood as a stupid heady kid.
This word does not have an exact meaning now. No one knows where did it come from.
Bonus: You can meet these lil dudes in Vietnam's League server.

(Usually a Yasuo player, playing Yasuo does not make you a young buffalo, but every young buffalo likes to play Yasuo)

*In a normal Vietnam's League match...
Yasuo: "My job here is done." (0/11/3)
Lux: "But you did nothing" (4/5/3)
*Yasuo has disconnected from the game
Lux: "What a f**cking young buffalo!"

by PTKhang April 13, 2018

Buffalo Stew

A group of young men, typically under the age of 21, will stand in a circle around a stool in a public restroom (movie theaters, mcdonalds, and 7 elevens are common meeting spots) and proceed to jerk off into a bowl on top of the stool and whoever ejaculates last has to drink it all. Essentially, a circle jerk with a catch. In rare cases, they will ejaculate at once, and if that happens all of them should proceed to drink it all with straws. The person who drinks the most of the semen will be given the title of "King Slurp".

John: Ready for Buffalo Stew later?

Alex: Yeah, I got my stroke going for practice and everything.


Buffalo Gummer

Extremely satisfying oral sex performed by a partner who has either knocked out their own teeth with a hammer or had their teeth knocked out with a hammer, causing their gums to be smooth and responsive.

Say what you will about her smile but that girl serves up a hell of a Buffalo Gummer.

by Chaz Plowman October 7, 2018

Buffalo Surprise

Anal rawdogging with a significant other where you feel the burn after he or she has eaten hot wings.

Andrew got that Buffalo Surprise after his date with Stephanie to Buffalo Wild Wings.

by MisterPhister September 30, 2019

Buffalo Shuffle

The way Canadians run across ice without slipping and falling.

Gary did the buffalo shuffle across the pond to get away from the moose who was chasing him.

by cdnshredder August 5, 2015

Buffalo Bill

1. When a male tucks his penis between his legs, near his buttocks; to give vocation of the idea that he does not own said penis.

2. Tucking penis near said buttocks and verbalizing phrases such as, "would you fuck me? ....I`d fuck me."

Example #1: Actor 1: "Hey Actor 2, we have to get on the stage for scene 6, Peter Pan`s big showing!"

Actor 2: "But i`m nervous, these tights are too small and all the girls will laugh at my small penis."

Actor 1: "Just Buffalo Bill that thing and get out here..."

by PhillipMorris June 12, 2014

Buffalo Beard

A beard which can only be described by the sense of awesome it bestows upon its viewer.
A majestic feat of manhood, which all men want and all women crave.

"John, look at that buffalo beard, I wish I could grow a beard like that..."

"By than mans buffalo beard a drink, he is a god amongst men"

" Shelley, take you knickers off, look at that buffalo beard that just walked in."

by Anonb July 5, 2013