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Catherine House

The pipes wail like a banshee, the rent is enough to give you third world debt and the rooms are hot or cold, never just right. The showers drip when the water pressure is good enough.

Catherine house is the worst student accommodation.

by Truth_Bringer_117 January 8, 2022

Catherine Hart

Catherine hart is someone who is one of a kind. She is usually someone’s cousin, possibly a nephew. Catherine hart may read books, or even listen to a book on tape. There may have even been instences where she has pooped in a large public pool.

Have you seen Catherine Hart, shes such a qm.

Woah Catherine Hart is such a good dancer.

by July 21, 2021

Yorkshire Catherine Wheel

When you spit roast a woman and then spin her around making spunk erupt from the anus and mouth.

She was like a Yorkshire Catherine Wheel after being spit roasted.

by Oafc63 March 28, 2024

zach and catherine

zach and catherine belong with eachother

he sat next to her on a crowded bus
they must be in a friends to lovers storyline like a zach and catherine genre

by minibananapancakes June 24, 2024


Catherin is a sexy, fine girl. She don’t play when it comes to Jesus. She’s always pulling on boys and may be mean when she want and nice when she want.Catherin has a beautiful smile

Oooh that girl cute
Yeah she is might be a CATHERIN

by Girl don’t play with me February 26, 2022

catherine juan

a really pretty girl that deserves the world. shes very athletic and awesome but a tad soecial at some points in her life. shes pretty cool tho!

yeah thats catherine juan bro

by yassy in your mums bed June 21, 2022

Catherine Ingram

The best teacher you will ever have! If you get Ms. Ingram as a teacher you are lucky because she is amazing at teaching and making you laugh in class. She is also good at roasting people.

Person 1: Who do you have for English
Person 2: Ms. Ingram
Person 1: OMG LUCKY! I wish I had Catherine Ingram

by 10 Nipples March 23, 2018