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north clayton high school

Lame ass ghetto ass hood ass dusty ass school filled wit teachers who can't teach.

Person 1: Aye bro I just saw a possum in the hallway.

Person 2: Typical of North Clayton High School.

Person 3: Everybody on the fucking ground.

by Urban dictionary home October 16, 2019

Claytonator syndrome

When you’re attract to Kai clayton without being paid.

Hi I can’t come into work today I have claytonator syndrome

by goodlooker1010101 November 19, 2020

Natalie Clayton

Natalie is a wonderful and sweet soul... sometimes. Most of the time Natalie is bitch who only cares about her own problems and makes fun of others. She abuses the people she knows just because she gets enjoyment out of it. She also really enjoys saying racial slurs. Nobody likes Natalie except like-minded racist bigots.

Boy: who’s she?
Girl: oh, that racist bitch is Natalie Clayton.
Boy: she sounds like a racist, homophobic, abusive piece of shit!
Girl: trust me, she is.

by Randomperson6921 April 13, 2022