Com peter was created accidentally. Com peter originated from Compter Which is a french word.
Com peter is a name.
My name is Com peter
when you are bitched out of a community (com) - someone mad you run from that community area
Some shitty ass com that K9, stoned.eagle, and SnowT run
Time to wake up and run fortnite com again - stoned
some community that Rareify runs
Rareify indeed runs fortnite com.
Wandsworth common, also known as wandy, wandy com or the common. A place where private school kids go to drink a shit tonne of vodka and have sex. People also engage in activities such as: ‘doing balloons’, ‘giving head’, ‘passing out’ and ‘smoking bud’. Schools most commonly seen there are Whitgift, streatham and clapham, Alleyns, Oratory, and occasionally Emmanuel
the last four characters on every single frickin' website ever is cool cuz u get to shop 4 apple juice