Funniest guy to hand around.
The class clown.
why are you so Danes😀
When you feel Dane you are, Tired, Worn Or dont want to do anything boring. But Dane can also mean being risky, energetic, loud and wanting a good buzz from a juul.
Dude im in such a Dane mood right now, got any pods
Will eat your shoe is wild funny and stupid all at the same time 😂
Daughter: we're is my other shoe
Mom: Dane are it
Dane: sorry I couldn't resist
Amazing and beautiful people from Denmark.
Fuck there are some beautiful Danes in Denmark.
the danest dane that ever daned. he owns a great dane and lives in denmark. hes also exceedingly tall
holy shit is that dane???
*in danish* Yes Yes it is
i have no idea what was just said
Girl 1: Do you know Dane?
Girl 2: Yeah the kid with the jeep?