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The dirtiest minded person you will ever meet. They can turn any situation dirty even if you think it's impossible.

-David is such a dirty minded kid.
-I know right! He can make anything dirty!

by The.CringeOVERLORD_69 December 8, 2018


the real muthafucka david he got cash and he got bitches

bitches like Tyler wish they was him

man you actin like a David.

by johnathan29 September 12, 2021


The man after God's own heart. Someone that's full of mistakes and repents from every sin he commited and commit new ones..

A king, a mighty warrior. A man that takes what he wants no matter what.

To survive in this present time, you have to become a David..

by Garus February 4, 2020


Is a tree :)

Woah you see David the dopest fucking tree ever

by Thesecondbestesttree November 21, 2021


david: the act of david
david: the feeling of david

Guy 1: david
Guy 2: Who the fuck are you how did you get in my house I'm calling the police.

by rileywynt March 5, 2021


Cool ass nigga with a big dick

Damn David so cool girls say he has a big dick

by Amongster 57 May 19, 2021


he is a very annoying person who wants to get in a fight for literally no reason >:(

Annoying David took a picture of me

by NotToucan March 3, 2022