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Brando Delete

When your rear window is either broken or missing

Damn bro, my rear window got smashed in!
oh damn, you got that brando delete!

by 2jzisslow1112 October 9, 2022

Delete Life

It makes you want to kill yourself often causing the use of a skyrope

Oh god I'm gonna commit delete life

by CHICKEN TENDOU December 24, 2020


past tense of deleted

"He deletioned that message."

by extendify June 18, 2023


The most prolific and anonymous user on Reddit. They have participated in 99.9% of subreddits, and have commented on millions, if not billions, of posts.

u/deleted is absolutely everywhere. Whenever you log in to Reddit, you WILL FIND THEM somewhere within your first 10 minutes of browsing the site. Don't believe me?

by 2Fax4U August 4, 2024

Delete it

Delete it

1. Delete it
2. Why?

by Roba.. January 13, 2023

Delete talk day

On this day all mods are allowed to delete talk
This allows the mods to relax as the would not have to deal with talk

December 18th is delete talk day

by just a random memer December 16, 2020

Deleting Myself

Yetus Deletus I'm gonna give myself 100 thousand Beetus

Im gonna Die and then Im gonna be Deleting Myself

by Mike Hunt onmablles November 28, 2020