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Jacob Doll

1.To act in a way that makes you a homosexual
See also homosexual
2.A homoplexual if the disease gets to bad.
See also homoplexual

Dave: Jacob, can I borrow your pen for a second
Jacob: No way man, it's mine
Dave: Why do you have to be a Jacob Doll all the time?
Jacob: Fuck you
Everyone in the class chants: Jacob Doll, Jacob Doll, Jacob Doll, till he cries and dies...

by Fred Gandy August 26, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit doll

Someone crafted and/or molded from feces. Of course, this would be almost impossible of a living being, but it's a term usually used to insult someone.

"Hey! Quit screwing around! We need to get work done, and you're just being a stupid shit doll!"

by Julius Seizure August 24, 2003

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

deflating the doll

1. Verb - Gettin' hitched. Tied down. Entering a monogamous relationship.

Mike: Whats with that broad? Can't get rid of her?

Steve: Deflating the doll, yo.

Mike: My condolences.

by Terd-Ferguson June 7, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

dolled up

Dressed up (usually to go out)

Look at those skanks all dolled up

by mike October 28, 2003

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Barbie Doll

A blonde popular doll, a fasion doll, hot as hell with a nice proportioned body.

by c a t h e r i n e September 30, 2003

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The Kin Doll

The Kin Doll- When a sibling, cousin or any other close relative perform the act of intravenously injecting meth in to an hemroid around your butthole.

*This variation of a booty bump should only be performed by a trained professional or close family member.

*Do not perform this act unless you are prepared to fuck your sister.

Hey Earl, last night me and the misses took it to the next level when she hit me with The Kin Doll sure am glad she's my sister.

by October 31, 2022

Hag Doll

An obviously aged woman who dresses age inappropriately, wears too much makeup, but still has some level of sex appeal.

She looks like Barbies great grandmother , what a hag doll. She must shop at Forever 49.

by Emogenome February 16, 2019