Source Code

Fro Summer Edition

The transition stage between Faithful and Filthy.

"Yo if Faithful Fro coming to Moonrise"
"Nah but Fro Summer Edition comin!"
"Damn we're gonna witness the birth of filth 🔥🔥🔥"

by FilthyFro May 30, 2016

clothing edition boomer

basically the parents of gen-z
will sexualise every single piece of clothing
thinks that short skirts = whxre
thinks that fishnets = slxtty
basically very annoying >:(
HOWEVER- not all boomers are like that- Please remember-

Boy A- "jeez my mom is such a boomer.."
Boy B- "What did she do?"
Boy A- "she won't buy me cat ears because they're 'tOo sExUaL'. Smh.."
Boy B- "dang bro, she a clothing edition boomer-"

by Sashas-white-teacup April 8, 2021

THE edit day

THE edit day is the day Hope&Josie: Kindred Spirits premiered on YouTube.

An edit showing every detail of the ship HOSIE any why they are ment to be together.
It was created by RI, Teri and Sha.

THE edit day is way better than saying NYE.

by tvdu4ever February 8, 2021

you think you're in an edit

This means that the person who said it to you sees you in an attractive manner which is kinda like a velocity edit.

Akira is FaceTiming her crush and her crush starts stretching and Akira notices her crushes shirt lifting up.

"You think you're in an edit." Akira remarks
"Wtf does that mean." her crush responds.

by Weird.com/9/11 March 9, 2024

Minecraft Education Edition

A soopid as bedrock edition copy. Used for "Education purpuses"

Just play java edition its just better in so many ways

Never EVER install Minecraft Education Edition

by DanneAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH March 13, 2023

it’s national make mani a edit

ok january 2nd you have to make @therealdiorli/ mani a edit

dior: you should make me a edit

lulu : if i fell like it or have the motivation

dior ; it’s national make mani a edit day

by unknownuser33047 January 2, 2022

Deceptive Editing

You guys really cropped out the other colors of the Biden speech to make him look more menacing? That is fucking pathetic. The backdrop was red, white, and blue... Jesus Christ guys... I have an image to uphold. Andrew already fucking it up with his stupid ass... Captain-right-98%-of-the-time... See!? It doesn't work! God damn it guys...

Hym "Tuck?... Did you use deceptive editing to hide all of the Anti-Semitic Kanye remarks?" 🥺

Iam "Are... Are you ok?"

Hym "You're not supposed to be able to cuck the Tuck Iam... 🥺 You can't do it!" *sobs* 😭

Iam "Oh shit wow... Hey... It's alright buddy... He... It's not that big of a..."

Hym "IT'S NOT OK! It'll never be ok! *sniffs* Again..." 😭

Iam "Oh God 🙄 God damn it Cody... 🤦 ♂️ It's... It's fine... There, there..." 👋


Iam 😕 "It's ok. It's probably something they did in post production, ok? It's probably the producers fault..."

Hym *sniffs* "You think so?" 🥺

Iam "Yeah bud... I'm sure he threw a fit when he found out."

Hym "Yeah... Yeah, you're probably right." 🥹

Iam "I'm always right... Hey, I know, let go get some ice cream. How does that sound?"

Hym "Heh... Ok..." 🥹

by Hym Iam January 12, 2023