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Final Fantasy VIII

The Best Final Fantasy game ever made. This is absolute fact and cannot be denied.

Final Fantasy VIII is teh great.
uh oh! Final Fantasy VIII forces me to play it again and again without eating or sleeping.

by Wolke February 21, 2005

342πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

final fantasy 6

One of the best games in the Fantasy series. The story is fast-moving and the characters are really well-designed. The 2D graphics are done very well, unlike Final Fantsy VII, which was still good but the 3D was nasty.

Final Fantasy VI is a great game, it rivals Final Fantasy VII and the Chrono series!

("But what fun is it if no 'precious' lives are lost?" -Kefka)

by Demonic Crusader July 22, 2004

164πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Final Fantasy IV

A game developed by Square (now Square Enix), revolving around the main character, Cecil. It is for the SNES, and is called Final Fantasy II in America.

Final Fantasy IV has a complex story. It starts out with Cecil, current captain of the Red Wings, stealing the Water Crystal from Mysidia. He murders several people. When he feels that he is doing wrong and asks the King why they are murdering people, he is demoted and sent to the Village of Mist, with his brother, Kain, to deliver a package. The entrance to Village Mist is guarded by a dragon, but they defeat it. When they get to Village Mist, they find out that the package is really a bomb. The package explodes, and many people that live in the town die. They find a young girl, named Rydia, who is standing next to her dead mother. Rydia's mother was connected to the dragon, and when they killed the dragon, they killed the mother. Rydia attacks Cecil and Kain with a titan, which severs the way back to Baron, the castle in which Cecil and Kain used to dwell, and knocks all three cold.
Cecil awakes, finds the girl injured, and does not know where Kain is. He takes her to an inn in Kaipo.
In the middle of the night, soldiers from Baron find Cecil and Rydia, and under their orders to kill all summoners, attack Rydia. Cecil kills the attackers. Rydia joins Cecial, impressed that he protected her.
Cecil finds his girlfriend, Rosa, in bed. She has desert fever and to heal her he needs to find the SandRuby. The SandRuby is located in Antlion's nest. The Kingdom of Damcyan is the only was to Antlion, so Rydia and Cecil travel there. On the way, they meet Tellah.
Tellah is a sage who is looking for his daughter, Anna. Anna eloped with the bard, Edward. Right when the three arrive at Damcyan, the red wings attack. Anna dies in the bombing. Tellah blames the death on Edward. Edward explains that Golbez is behind the attack and stole the Fire Crystal from Damcyan. Tellah seeks revenge against Golbez, and leaves the party. As a replacement, Edward joins. They find the SandRuby and cure Rosa. She joins the party.
They know that Golbez is after the crystals, so they travel to Fabul, where the wind crystal is kept. While going over Mt. Hobs (the way to Fabul), they find Yang, leader of the monks of Fabul. He is being ambushed by Golbez's monsters. Yang and the party fight them off. When the party informs Yang about the Red Wings and their plot, Yang wants the party to help defend the castle.
When the Red Wings attack, the party has to retreat to the crystal room. Cecil is confronted by Kain, and finds out the Golbez brainwashed him. Kain defeats Cecil in a duel. Golbez then arrives, and steals Rosa and the Wind Crystal.
The party decides that they need an airship to attack the Red Wings, so they sneak back into Baron and aquire an airship from Cid.
Yang then charters a ship to take Cecil, Edward, Rydia, and himself to Baron. While sailing, however, they are attacked by the sea monster Leviathan and the ship sinks.
Cecil awakens alone on a beach near Mysidia, where he is met by the town's wizards. They are mad at him for stealing the water crystal, earlier. The Mysidian elder sees that Cecil wants to fight Golbez, and tells him that he should become a paladin. He has to climb Mt. Ordeals to do so. White and black wizards Palom and Porom go with, to assist and spy on Cecil. On the mountain, they find Tellah, who is looking to find Meteo, to defeat Golbez. Golbez tries to stop the party by sending a demon (Milon), but the party defeats it. Cecil becomes a paladin and Tellah learns Meteo and several other spells.
They return to Mysidia, and the elder is impressed with Cecil. The elder lets Cecil use the "serpent path", which takes the party back to Baron. Cecil finds that Cid has been arrested and Yang has been brainwashed to follow the King of Baron. Cecil helps Yang recover, and they sneak into the castle. They find out that King Baron is actually Cagnazzo, demon of water. After defeating him, Cid is set free and take Cecil and party to the completed airship. Before dying, Cagnazzo causes the walls of the castle to move with the intent of crushing the party. Palom and Porom petrify themselves to halt the trap.
Cecil takes command of the airship and is met at takeoff by the brainwashed Kain, who demands Cecil retrieve the final Crystal in exchange for Rosa's life. Cecil heads for Troia, where the Earth Crystal is enshrined. He learns the Crystal was stolen by the Dark Elf, and his friends and he retrieve it. Kain leads the group to the Tower of Zot, where Rosa is imprisoned. At the tower's summit, Golbez takes the Crystal and attempts to flee. Tellah tries to kill Golbez by using Meteo. The spell kills Tellah and weakens Golbez, shattering his control over Kain's mind. Kain helps Cecil rescue Rosa and, after defeating the Fiend of Wind, Barbariccia, the party escapes to Baron.
In Baron, Kain tells them that there are four more crystals that Golbez is after, and they are located underground. Kain gives Cecil a magma key, which opens the way to the underground. They fly through the opening, but the airship is damaged while caught in a battle between the dwarves and the Red Wings. Cecil tells King Giott of the dwarves that he wants to defend the crystal. The king accepts. Cid goes away to repair the airship. soon after he leaves, Cecil, Rosa, Yang, and Kain discover Golbez has infiltrated the dwarves' crystal room and try to stop his theft of the Crystal. During the battle they are joined by Rydia, who was sucked into the Underworld by Leviathan. However, Golbez escapes with the Dwarves' Dark Crystal, and Cecil sets out to the Tower of Bab-il to retrieve the lost crystals. King Giott offers the services of his tanks to draw the fire of the tower's defenses while the party infiltrates it. While inside, the party confronts Golbez's servant Dr. Lugae. He informs the party that the crystals have been moved to the above ground portion of the Tower, and as his last act Dr. Lugae orders that the Tower's Super Cannon destroy the dwarf tanks. Yang volunteers to stay behind and destroy the Super Cannon while the party escapes, and is presumed dead.
Upon escaping the Tower the party is met by Cid and a repaired airship. They are pursued by the Red Wings and fly back to the upper world to escape them; Cid throws himself overboard and detonates a bomb to re-seal the passage, apparently sacrificing himself. Back on the surface, they find the path to the Tower of Bab-il's upper half. While following it they encounter Edge, the ninja prince of Eblan, who seeks revenge on Rubicant, the Fiend of Fire, for the death of his parents. Edge joins the party. Inside the tower, the party defeats Rubicant but falls through a trap door to an Underground portion of the Tower and finds an abandoned Red Wing airship. The party then goes to the Underworld's Sealed Cave to retrieve the eighth and final crystal before Golbez gets to it. After they do so, however, Golbez retakes control over Kain and forces him to steal the Crystal. Back at the Dwarf castle, Giott tells Cecil of the Lunar Whale, a "ship of light" designed to take travelers to and from the moon. Cid, who was found by the dwarves and nursed by them back to health, fits their airship with a drill and the party drills their way back to the surface. Cecil returns to Mysidia to pray for the Lunar Whale's appearance. It rises from the ocean, and Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge board it to travel to the moon.
Upon arriving on the moon, the party enters the Lunar Palace, and there the party meets an elderly man named FuSoYa who explains that Cecil's father is a heroic but deceased Lunarian. FuSoYa also explains that a Lunarian named Zemus plans to destroy life on "The Blue Planet" to let lunarians live there. To achieve this, Zemus manipulated Golbez and Kain to obtain the Crystals needed to revive a giant destructive android, the Giant of Bab-il. Meanwhile, on Earth, the forces of the world, including some characters (Yang, Palom, Porom) thought to have died, attack the unleashed Giant. FuSoYa, Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge enter and destroy the Giant. FuSoYa breaks Zemus' control over Golbez and Kain, and Cecil learns that Golbez is his brother. After destroying the Giant, Golbez and FuSoYa head to the core of the moon to defeat Zemus. Cecil's party follows after reuniting with Kain. After battling to the moon's core, the party witnesses Golbez and FuSoYa defeat Zemus but quickly lose to his ultimate form, Zeromus. With the united life force of all beings combined with a special Crystal provided by Golbez, Cecil and his party defeat Zeromus. Following the conflict, Golbez decides not to go back to Earth and live among the other Lunarians, as he would not be welcome on Earth. One year later, the heroes reunite for Cecil and Rosa's wedding and coronation as Baron's new king and queen.

By the way, FFIV's music is awesome.

Jake: What's your favorite Final Fantasy?
Ben: Final Fantasy IV, it has a great story.
Jake: Yep.

by BenBigelow July 11, 2008

61πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 7

The first game in the Final Fantasy series to leaved the Nintendo console and the creation of "cut-scenes" (scenes where heavy computer graphics help embellish the story-line). This book is also inside of the Guiness Book of World records for its incredible sales.

Many people call this game over-rated. It's not over-rated, people are just sick of hearing how good it is or just rebels with a cause to start frivolous arguments. If people come past that they'll acknowledge how the side quests (adventures the party goes on that isn't a requirement of completing the game) really help garnish the story. In order to know the ENTIRE story, the side quests must be completed. Though the side quests are nearly infinite, it's a fantastic way for Final Fantasy gamers to know the entire history behind EACH character. This is rare in RPGs since the minority party members are usually in the background and nothing to help embellish their character.

Final Fantasy VII is arguibly the best game in it's class. Paying attention to the story-line and not negative comments on this will tell you this.

Square-Enix's Final Fantasy III/VI, II

by Billy March 20, 2005

556πŸ‘ 335πŸ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 8

Excellent game. Good sequel to FF7. Not a good beginners game, as it is a great deal more complex than any other FF games. But, it is this complexity which is the real beauty of the game: if you know what you're doing, and you can do it well, the game becomes as easy as you want it.

An incredibly rich storyline, filled with war, peace, rivalry, and romance, with a modern-fantasy twist. And you feel like you're a young guy in a black jacket in the army with his friends whpo is out to save the world, rather than the traditional sword-dragging miserable loser common in traditional RPG's.

Has an excellent soundtrack, with some very memorable tunes. The music goes very well with the emotional scenes in the game. And if some of those scenes don't bring a lump to your throat, then you are a liar, and should be taken outside and shot in the head like a pig.

Sort of let down by the irritating draw system; if you are impatient, it will show hugely in your characters. And the fact you are not allowed to visit towns anymore after a certain point, which is a big disappointment to players like me who like to go back and do all the stuff they've missed.

Completing this game is like a shot of heroin. Seriously. Its one of the best games ever made.

Final Fantasy 8 is a great game. If you haven't played it yet, you are REALLY missing out.

by OiOiBoy June 20, 2006

270πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII

One of the best games ever, and it even has a prequel that just came out today called Crisis Core for the PSP. If only there were as much fans of it where I live as there is elsewhere...

Classmate: "Hey Teevo, have you been playing any Halo 3?"

Me: "No, I've been playing Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core"

Classmate: "What? Hmm, never heard of it. Sounds like an unknown game series."

Me: "No one here understands how good the Final Fantasy franchise is!"

by Teevo March 25, 2008

62πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Final Fantasy VII

This game is kick ass. This game took normal RPGS and said fuck you, and singlehandedly did everything better, launching Sony from β€œeh it’s cool I guess” to β€œholy balls”. Cloud makes man and women pass out with a single glazed look, Barrett has a cool gun or smth, everyone thought tifa had some honkers, even though they were pointy af, yuffie was pretty cool, valentine did what cloud did but better, sepiroth did what Valentine did and did it better. It has a petty good story, and solid gameplay, and is also not just for nerds.

Guy 1: the buster sword from Final Fantasy VII is just an unrealistic sword
Guy 2: your lesbian mother saw that sword and instantly got impregnated stfu

by Gingerbreadbedhead March 10, 2022