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crack grease

That nasty ass wet feeling in the crack of your ass. Some believe it's caused by a dirty sweaty ass crack. Real talk is that you should of wiped your ass a couple more times.

Smell my finger. Is that shit or just crack grease?

by youdknowifitwasupinya August 24, 2015

Greasing the bowl

The first flush you should give a toilet that hasn't been used in a while. Not necessary when peeing, but should be utilized to wet a dry bowl before spitting mud to help prevent poo streaks or chunky cling-ons.

Before we pinch a loaf we should be greasing the bowl.

by RicklessPI March 26, 2009

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Greased Turkey

A classic game for the bros, where all players stand in a circle around a turkey (dead or alive) while pulling on their weiners. When one player finishes choking his chicken, that player must then spew his load into the anal cavity of the turkey. The last player to ejaculate into the turkey's anus is deemed the loser of the game. The loser must insert his head into the anal cavity of the turkey, and present himself for triumphant spanking from each player. Failure to properly ejaculate into the turkey's anal cavity (e.g. ejaculating on the floor) is penalized by that player having to slurp up their own semen and then spit said semen into the turkey's anus. Naturally, this game is played on the traditional pilgrim holiday of Spanksgiving. Eating the turkey is optional, but strongly encouraged.

Little Timmy: "Grandpappy, care to join us for a game of Greased Turkey?"

Grandpappy: "Mother best look away, because Grandpappy with an erection is on the way!"

by ProfessorPanini October 6, 2017

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beef grease

The thickened leftover vaginal fluid around the base of the penis, normally tangled amongst the pubes creating a creamy semi- gelatinous coating that must be vigorously removed after prolonged vaginal intercourse.

After giving stacy the long rod for hours, i started to notice an accumulation of beef grease around my smekle.

by The meat keeper July 6, 2015

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Alcoholic shooter meant for the grimiest of men.
One part vodka, one part bacon grease.

Shots of grease-master, all around !

by realthow April 21, 2011

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Tit Grease

The radioactive mixture of sweat, oil, grease, and other nasty things that are located under a woman's breasts after a long day of not showering.

Damn man, sat bitch got some tasty-ass TIT GREASE!

by tha ginjanooga March 28, 2011

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axle grease

brown-colored fecal residue that accumulates within the anal area as heat is generated between the butt cheeks, and mixes with anal perspiration, usu. during strenuous activity, or during a hot day. Is usually a by-product of swamp ass.

After defecating and wiping 64 times, my rectal area appeared to be as clean and pure as the white-driven snow. However, an hour later, as the the heat and humidity increased, this just wasn't the case. My swamp ass generated a little axle grease, as evidenced by the bacon strips on the inside of my underwear (which were the size of Rhode Island.) Shootin' hoops for lengthy periods can contribute to this deplorable condition as well.

by weave March 22, 2003

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