Noun: The resulting mixture of any number of diffrent leftover dabs.
Hey, want to try these infinity dabs? There is like, 5 different strains in here.
A person you will never know.
Infinity White is writing her own example of herself.
An Infiniti luxury vehicle with an Infinity sound system.
A vehicle best suited to go to Infinity and beyond?
I work at a car dealership and I've yet to see an Infiniti make with an Infinity stereo. If I did see one, I would call it an "Infinite Infiniti."
I'm miserable, and I can't wait until my life is over so I can take an infinity nap.
The best fucking movie in the universe... after Thor Ragnarok of course.
„Have you seen Infinity War?“
„Yeah, *spoilers entire movie*“
*beats spoiling guy to death*
The best damn movie in the universe! After Thor Ragnarok of course.
„Omg i‘m so excited to see Infinity War!“
„*spoils entire movie*“
*gets beaten to death*
i love this boy more then you can ever ever ever love someone or something
Elouise xx
I love Hudson more then infinity