A guy with big ears and a small dick
U don't want a Isaac baby
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some bitch ass nigga who cant back his shit up
Isaac's dad :you see that lil bitch over there
Isaac's mom: yes, that's Isaac Alvarez .......our son
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Morbidly obese and fatter than everything ever made. Eats big fellas and smokes vapes on the daily while playing video games.
Isaac is a big fella
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A total butt face a jerk that makes girls and boys run away,a total dick
Isaac is the worst person to be within 2metres of
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One who has the worlds crusty fingers also very Ginger
Isaac is a bellend
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Isaac is probably the biggest loser you will ever meet. He reeks of body odor and will not shut up about his new gameboy advance games (the year is 2017). He looks at hentai in class and even makes his own (it's terrible). Isaac is also failing most if not all of his classes, so he constantly looks depressed. Nobody pities him. Nobody likes him.
Alpha Male: Hey it's Isaac.
Alpha Male 2: Ewwww let's go somewhere else
Isaac: :(
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Isaac is a guy who is genuinely confused about his gender. He has big nipps and a small dick. Some say he is a woman in a mans body but really he is just strait gay.
Isaac is so gay he makes gay people look straight.
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