When you hold someones cheeks and full on blow into their mouth as if you were blowing up a balloon. You get this weird feeling like you have air going down your body. You suddenly find your self laughing and entering a new state of mind. It's nice.
Person 1: My friends do fishy kisses all the time!
Person 2: OMG FISHY KISSES! every time i do those i can't stop laughing
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A Kiss ass is commonly known as a person who will go to many lengths to look impressive, good, and worthy towards another person or group of higher social standing.
This is usually due to their need to ascend in the ranks of their workplace, school, or society in general.
In their quest for higher status and privilege, they will become unguarded and their peers will begin to notice how fake and transparent their attempts are.
A Kiss ass will most definetly seem fake due to the fact they don't actually give a shit when people watch how fake they are.
Ted's co-workers knew he was a Kiss ass because he never went to TGIF with them, and instead went out with the boss.
"It's obvious Ted is a Kiss ass, look at how he ignores the rest of us"
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to fart and then dedicate it to somebody.
Pete farts, then says "That was a brown kiss for you."
Ramon answers: "Thank you!"
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(noun) {A} A small burn left on the inner calf of the right leg, typically caused by a cheap asian motorbike exhaust pipe; {B} a burn in the process of healing or a scar found in the same area on the right leg.
Yo, your Saigon kiss looks a little infected.
Let's go back to my place and on the way I'll give you a Saigon kiss.
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That disgusting boyfriend of mine gave me kiss gas when we were making out after he drank a bottle of soda.
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When your pooping and the water splashes up and kisses your chili ring
I got a kiss of Poseidon this morning when I fired up the old log splitter.
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A word in arabic that mean ( the pussy of your mom) mostly used to insult people
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