Initiating a sexual act with the placing of a laundry bag over the upper half of the partner's torso, then tripping them into the bed, onto the floor and drinking 1.6ml GHB.
May engaged in laundry bagging Eerin this weekend and then went into a post-cunniligual GHB and Ambien induced coma for 3 hours.
That person who checks out your underwear whilst you put it in the washing machine.
"He's staring at your underwear - obviously a laundry perv."
Term used when a person wants to break up or end the relationship with another person.
John and I have been having a lot of problems lately. I think I’m gonnna invite him to come over and do laundry tonight.
Is there a laundry service near me that specializes in dry cleaning?
Is there a laundry service near me that specializes in dry cleaning?
When everyone shows up to your house in their dirty clothes, get naked and drink cocktails while their clothes are in the wash. Leaving clean as a whistle, loose as a thistle.
A laundry party is a fine way to clean your clothes AND get to know your neighbors!
A pile of laundry that just sits in the middle of your room - no one wants to claim it, but yet there it is
Ok, who left this laundry turd in the middle of the floor?
The end result following a Flag of Japan.
Jake was a great guest, but the flag of Japan incident did leave us with a load of Tokyo Laundry.