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Ain’t no Jimmie on the LO-LO

A word used to assure a friend or companion that their current situation is optimal, despite all possible doubt.

Hey man, don’t worry re-payin’ for me for the movie tickets. Ain’t no Jimmie on the LO-LO!

by FanGurl4EVA January 22, 2020

2👍 1👎


A very mysterious rapper. One day, he got up, wrote "I Wish", which became a big hit, then was never heard from again. It wasn't even realeased as a single. A radio station found it in their toilet one day. No one knows how it got there.

Skee-Lo? Oooooooooooooooh. Creepy.

by Hampikizzel Fo' Shizzel May 28, 2005

34👍 16👎

Los A

Getting f'd over, generally economically. Any resident of Los Angeles has been Los A'd.

Don't Los A me bro, give me my half.

by dr_pardee June 11, 2011

2👍 21👎

Los Angeles

1. City that has: lots of traffic, many suburbs, industry, a busy airport, a busy seaport, multiculturalism, beaches, mountains, upscale shopping, the movie industry, strained race relations, a corrupt but improving police department, a decent music scene, a high but declining crime rate, and a major inferiority complex to New York.

2. City that lacks: seasons, a decent public transit system, quality architecture (though Disney Hall is a step in the right direction), an actual downtown, and culture that is not affiliated with the electronic media (theatre, opera, etc.).

3. City that needs: everything that it lacks, though there's not much that can be done about seasons.

Overall, a great city that gets a bad rap for its shortcomings. There are better, and there are worse.

As for you, Cukamonga Kid or whatever your name is. I doubt you've been to New York, so quit comparing LA to a place that you don't know about.

Out, bitches.

by LA + NY = pwnz March 25, 2005

202👍 125👎

Los Lobos

A tough-looking new york suburban gang that rips off car stereos and mugs people.

Los Lobos kick your ass, Los Lobos kick your face, Los Lobos kick your balls into outer spaaaace!

by Canis Lupus April 1, 2003

42👍 22👎

Lo Mein

Slur refers to any woman of Asian descent (not limited to Chinese as you would assume), since average non-cultured people can't tell the difference between one Asian and another. Men who go out to score Asian women call themselves, "Going out for Chinese," hence the definition.

Asian women are perceived as the new "trophy wife" as it is a misconception that Asian women will only date Causcasian men, GIs, superstar athletes, celebrities, or photographers from import racing magazines.

Jeff: "Yo, Tyrone! Check out that Lo Mein over there. She's HOT."
Tyrone: "She's cute and all, but WHERE IS HER ASS?"

by actionbastard February 17, 2008

73👍 41👎


short for relocate; refers to a venue change when out with friends

This bar is lame. Should we re-lo?

by Cap'n TBag December 9, 2007

16👍 6👎