A Miniature Convention typically held for a smaller group of people with a specific focus.
"I am upset that I cant get to go to {Christian Loparco ComicCon this year! "
"That's ok, I hear that Carlos is having a Mini-Con for every couple weeks for people who like Anime"
A (usually young) Imogen Heap impersonator.
Imogen Heap doesn't play in Grand Rapids, but at least there's a Mini Immi in town we can go see.
A young girl loved by many and who allways gets hit on by creepy guys about 3 years older than she is. Loves the pimps too.
"That girl looks like a Mini bowlus! Lets go hit on her!"
He may redline the gator, but he will never be the man. At least he knows who’s cutting wood.
Wig Beld: Hey have you seen the hottie mini moog? Maximom: He’s with lil Scotty becoming the man.
Some squeaker in AP Comp: I got a 4Runner! Moog: Yeah well I have a 4.7 Shit Block that has Quadra-Gay™️
A sample-heavy sound collage band from Grand Rapids, Michigan, known for many comical mixes, but most famous for their 2017 song Women of the World. They are to West Michigan what Negativland is to the San Francisco area.
Julie: What song will you use as the theme to the women's rights event?
Liz: Women of the World by Mini Nifty!
*All women start cheering*
The Mini Giraffe from the Direct Tv commercials with the russian guy is the coolest thing/animal the world has ever known. Evrybody wishes the could have one and would do devilish deeds to recieve one.
I was watchin tv when the sexy mini giraffe from the direct tv commercial popped up.
(from English; mini panic attack) - a sudden and brief bout of anxiety following a perceived or actual minor emergency; usually in response to First World Problems.
Oh my god girl, I had a mini-pani when they told me I'd have to send my iPhone in for repairs!
She had a mini-pani when she realized she had missed the new Grey's Anatomy.