noun: a compulsive liar; can be used to reference any living creature, human and/or non-human; can be used to reference Cole.
"You know, I wish Cole wasn't such a mega-BSer. He lies about everything."
"Yo where were you that whole time?"
"I was taking a serious Mega Monkey dude."
A person who loves to play within they’re dick all the time and wont stop for a second
Man your such a mega penis your jacking it right now
this place gives u mega stress & a visit to the docs as people dont want to go, the management are repulsive & couldnt run a raffle never mind an establishment for vulnerable people. if u are an odd shaped bastard or a pillow fucker u will fit in fine!
god there goes another top worker down with mega stress, whens it going to come to a halt? drastic action required!
get smashed wankered off your nut ass fucked steaming pissed wrecked drunk tipsy off it
sanders got mega blotto last night.
That poop you take that leaves your ass hole stinging but oddly wanting more and more
Man I just had the biggest shit ever my ass is now a mega shithole