A word used to describe a black man that is not native to the United States aka Made In China or a black man that cheats because black men don't cheat.
Woman 1: My black boyfriend just cheated on me
Woman 2: That sounds like a MIC and not a black man
The act of taking a dump in a condom and then freezing it, then when frozen use as a home made dildo.
(Women) "Hey is that Icey Mic ready yet?"
(Man) "Yeh want me to fetch it and we can try it?"
used by ro gangsters when they are mad as fuck
or used my roblox trolls
person 1 "MIC UP PSY MIC UP"
person 2 "OK DROP CORD KID"
then they yell at eachother in vc
Mic up means "wanna voice chat kid"
Uses in every roblox games
If you're nine your probably uses this word
Kid: Mic up
Me: no
Kid: scared
Me: i dont have discord
Kid: ########################################################## #################### ###################################################################################################################
Me: tags
This is one of the things someone will say to you on Roblox if you piss them off. Usually, they want you to give them your Discord name and tag so you can join their "voice call". Usually, the end result of a mic up is both of the people in the call will make themselves look like bozos.
Person #1: Slender/Ro-gangster/Copy and Paste: Mic up
During the call:
Person #1: Shut yo bitch ass up clown
Person #2: No, you shut the fuck up kid
(This usually goes on for a long time, and the two callers just shout the words "Bitch", "Mf", or some other cuss words. They usually both make themselves look like bozos)
Black fishing people on roblox with korblox and headless and more tht will pack u until u cry like a lil baby or lag until they die so yea😀
Black1: Yo mic up foo
Black2:Bet my discord is taskmask#1499 (add me)