Moshe. A guy smokes and drinks without knocking an account, despite everything he is a good boy
He's good in bed, in life you will never see him as gay but sometimes he behaves that way
All the girls are on fire about Moshe
Connect with Moshe
Moshe the sexy
moshe is a uncontrollable pie fucker. he CAN NOT and WILL NOT stop having sex with saucy meat pies.
person 1: why are there so many pies with holes and mayo inside
person 2: for fuck sake moshes gotten to the pies again
moshe is man that has an obsession with fucking meat pies. his obsession has affected his family's pie eating sessions
perosn 1: why have these pies got holes with glue leaking out of them
person 2: for fuck sake moshes gotten to em again
a turnt up nigga that will not hesitate to insert his penis into warm meat pies
"dammit moshe fucked my pie again"
Moshe is a great kid he is about 6ft tall and is studying geography and he's very good at it he is the son of the devil and the angel and he is from montenegro.