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Mullet Daddy

Mullet daddy is a hottie with a mullet

Girl 1: He is such a mullet daddy!
Girl 2: ugh! Whatever

by Man baby February 14, 2022

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Clunge Mullet

a term referring to pubic hair around the vagina, usually when there is a fair amount of it.

combination of the word "Clunge" - slang for vagina, and the retro hairstyle the 'Mullet'

used as a noun, either as a factual statement or as an insult.

as an insult: "You clunge mullet!"

upon observing a hairy bush: "that's quite a clunge mullet!"

by bokbokbok April 30, 2010

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mullet cunt

is usually a male that has no class and thinks he's a sick cunt gangster and loves starting fights and being ignorant about society.

that loves UFC, wears Tapout t shirts, has tribal tats but isn't tribal, bleached blond hair in sometimes various patterns, wears monster snap-backs, uneducated, ignorant, racist, has a kid but isn't off their P's, usually has a southern cross sticker on their late model lowered 2wd tray-back hilux, will lift weights just to look big but strickly doesn't do squats are any lower body training, claims to be highly trained in MMA, drinks VB every afternoon, loves motocross, wake boarding, occasionally will have a mullet which is a true sign of a proud aged mullet cunt

by bigrig March 10, 2014

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pubic mullet

When you shave your vagina but not your asscrack. Business in the front, party in the back.

That bitch has a pubic mullet.

by pubicbillyray December 2, 2019

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Vaginal mullet

A females pubic hair that is trimmed short in the front, but is left long on the labia. This gives it the appearence of a conventional mullet.

"Damn, Becky's business in the front and party in the back!"
"Dude, that is because she has a vaginal mullet!"

by the original KOA June 28, 2006

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power mullet

A mullet that is long in the back and shaved on top.

A mullet to the extreme.

Your power mullet looks ridiculous.

by Therm March 15, 2006

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Backwards mullet

A haircut invented and worn by a kid named lucas hansen. He invented it years ago. It never changes. Some believe that it doesn't grow because it is always the same. Long in the front, short in the back, and sideways on the sides.

Dude whats up with Lucas's haircut?
O thats a backwards mullet, hes always had it.

by welcometoreality September 26, 2009

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