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cripping weam

Like whipping cream, but drunker. Best done without power tools.

I'm cripping weam

by Weamcripper9000 November 27, 2020

Hoover Crip

A Crip gang off hoover street that has spread throughout the United States and now almost all crips call themselves hoover crips. They are almost allways rivaled to bloods

Hoover Crip: Fuck you you fucking blood

Blood: Bitch ill kill you!!!

by Jason ZZ October 14, 2007

144๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crip Walk

When a man uses his fingers to please a woman with the act of a walking/strolling manner as if his fingers were feet and her pussy was the pavement eventually causing her to cum.

Midori: My brother Allen did the Crip Walk to me last night it was AMAZING! Masturbate Sister Brother Sex

by FMS0470 March 3, 2012

37๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cyber crip

A cyber crip otherwise known as an internet thug is a person that talks big over social media and cannot back up his or her words in person

"I don't have time for all these cyber crips"

by Angrycamper15 December 6, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip side

A side that doesnt exist. I laugh at all them 'hard' mothaf*ckaz who would say some crip side sh*t cuz the only sides are FOLK Nation and PEOPLE Nation. People is to the left and reps 5 star. Folk is right and rep 6. 6 and 5 do not belong to Crips and Bloods.

Pirus=folk bloods (also called black cherries) 8ball=folk crips (right side crips, like Hoova52) folk= blacc & people= wite & gray=neutral (except TRG, a CAMBODIAN gang..)crowns=people & pitchforks=folk 3crips are people and 8Crips are folk.. 4 bloods are people (4= cracked pitchfork 3=cracked 8) 6 is the heart of all FOLK affiliation as well as PEOPLE and 5. Hows that for dem 'hard' fake a** people. I swear i was chillin wit ma boy one day an these dumba** kids rolled up to us 8 deep talkin bout ma shit wrong. f*ck all dem fake mothaf*kas tlkin left side 6 and right side 5. 8ball blacc ghost>>>>> 3K 4K LKK when your not neutral, its a whole new ballpark, so before a crip hits a b, or vice versa, mind yalls secondary colors... there is no crip side so let it sink in yall

by Trey F March 20, 2006

170๐Ÿ‘ 369๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crip Dick

A Crip with a big ass dick and knows how to work it.

After we fucked i told him it was alot better then being drunk nd he said of course it is... its Crip Dick.

by Horny Chic December 28, 2005

128๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip shitter

the largest toilet in the bar , the one with the big seat and easy handles when youre wasted. should be used by the wheelchair brigade but they never out that late

"man i am wasted but i aint gonna make the crapper upstairs" "ok dude , use the crip shitter , its got anice big seat and loads of handles so you dont fall on your ass"

by groovy wordbender November 19, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž