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A word you can use to describe any situation or event.

Fuck dude, that was nutty.

by TheHairyGhost July 9, 2017



Ya fit is nutty

by 12345678910@ December 1, 2022


when a special someone calls you something that makes u get hard and/or nut

oliviathats my boydarnell “nutty”

by ballermand February 4, 2022


when olivia says something that makes darnell want to nut and/or get hard

oliviathats my boydarnell “nutty”

by ballermand February 4, 2022


The most prestigious word used for when a male or female are saying or doing something so outlandish it is affecting those nearby.

Dude: *prank calls school with a bomb threat, which cause whole school to be shut down for 2 weeks resulting in online learning again*
Me: "I'm ngl that nigga nutty as hell for doing sum shit like that."

Random dude at basketball game: *screaming random shit and taking his shirt off which causes him to be escorted out*
Me: "WTFFF he nutty as hell for doing all that when we down 66 points"

Random person in car: *swerving mad close to the side walk and blaring bullshit on the radio*
Me and my friends: *jumps into a yard to avoid getting hit* "damn he driving nutty as hell got us jumping into yards n shii"

by freshmanslayer April 25, 2022


Trolling someone until they are mad or pissed off makes the victim “nutty

I kept making fun of joes prosthetic leg, I got him so nutty.

by Smelly onion January 31, 2019



Nutty ass fight

by 420guccigangnigga August 15, 2019