memes that are Ollie memes and when the memes are Ollie memes you have to say that the Ollie memes are Ollie memes
Someone: *posts meme*
Everyone: "Ollie meme"
Ollie: "kys"
A creepy little perverted boy but he's really nice if you ignore him staring
Her brother poyoi olly was caught looking at pornhub again...
His mum stinks of off milk
He has a small willy
He has the deadest trim of all time
Has a patato shaped head
His mum has a really good haircut ( box shaped )
He fingers his brother's ass crack
He likes shoving cucumber in his ears
Oh look it's Olly, his mum has a shit haircut
Olly your lips are crusty
Wait Olly, is your dick really 4 inches?
OLLY CORDES means that he has a small cock and you need a microscope to see it
“hey look its olive oil ollie”
“oh yeah, they love simon kalivoda more than they love ryan”
Ollies mental health is so bad that noone can fix it.
person 1: i cant believe its so bad
person 2: yeah, its just as bad as ollies mental health