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A hot and dry piece of food when you bite into it turns wet ands long and hard and has cum that is flavored like cornbread

Im going to have a very hard corndog tonight

by PePe Dogs February 22, 2021


When someone sticks there fingers up your ass and you shit creating a corndog

I i gave that girl a corndog

by Rschillz October 30, 2019


A dummy thic boi who steals your girl, he seems like a cool kid thats because he is

"oh shoot, corndog's coming, bye baby hes gonna take you, i love you"

by Daddy Corndog May 17, 2021


A corndog is another name for an uncircumcised dick. When referring to a circumcised dick the term hotdog is used.

Dude, my girl says she likes my corndog a lot more then her boyfriends hotdog!

by RandomChodeGobbler June 3, 2019


When someone knee´s you in the ass. Or an amazing meal

Watch im going to corndog jack

by 234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfgh June 13, 2018


When you tittie fuck an ass.

Dude idk she was kind of weird. She asked me to corndog her. I wasn't up for it at first, but I thought what the heck.

by El-Patrón 2.0 March 6, 2020


when you engage in anal sex and the other person shits on your penis with corn in it

when I was doing anal with Cassidy she blew a corndog

by ThatOneSandwich March 18, 2016