The season around the end of the year where one puts off doing work related tasks and punts them into the start of the new year.
"The boss wants us to complete the project before the end of the yeaer."
"Are they crazy?! It's punting season! We're not doing that project until AT LEAST April next year."
"Punting Apples" (v.) "the act by which one defies the will of god through means of touching fruit with his or her bottom-most appendage. Furthermore adding high-velocity to said object by rapidly connecting ones foot to the fruit; Becoming a full time sinner."
ie. "I was going to go to mass today, but Morgan convinced me that punting apples is way more fun."
verb, slang; be promiscuous, sleep around (Scottish dialect)
Dinnae punt aroond oan ays, ya deceitful cunt!
This is when you fail to perform a kum fumble.
Yo shawty, my load time was all whack so I ended up kum punting.
Derived from puppy kicking.
When a writer makes their villain perform an unreasonable act that makes no logical sense with no characteristically justified reason, all for the purpose of showing just how evil they are.
Movie Critic 1: I thought the villain was well written, except for the first scene he was in when he just randomly killed his royal jester for dropping a ball while juggling.
Movie Critic 2: I agree, that was a prime example of pup-punting.
A sex act in which you punt a muffin into a girls orfices.
I heard you punt muffined Sarah last night!