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James Paradox

When one is winning in life more than anyone else around them, but at the same time is losing in life harder than anyone has ever lost before

Adam: So you pulled 4 girls at the same time!? You are winning bro
James: yeah bro but the only girl I want I can’t ever have
Adam: bro you’re losing so hard right now - I think you’re suffering from the James Paradox

by Ihavehugetestes April 24, 2022

The Limza Paradox

“The Limza Paradox” or “Linny Paradox” is referenced under the circumstances that when too much emotional attachment is existent in a specified setting, the other person will detach and disappear from any form of commitment. This paradox is typically active in the event of complicated relationships, or under situations that may require emotional numbness.

“This guy was extremely toxic, so I hit him with the Limza Paradox.”

“I had to pull a Linny on him.”

by CommonGoalAccreditom March 29, 2022


The state in which one is extremely hungry but much to tired to get up and actually satisfy the urge.

G- Omg I don't know what is my bigger issue, my hunger or my Sleepiness.

J- You are exibiting the Geli-Paradox and you should just go to sleep!

by _JSA July 20, 2010

jing paradox

A phenomenon where the subject is mathematically ensured a safe trip but is victim of some twist of fate resulting in utter raging and disappointment in the concept of math.

B: Looks like u just experienced the Jing Paradox.

by dude24564578679 March 4, 2014

Bigot's Paradox

A bigot's paradox is used in the sense when someone who discriminates, insist that they "does not discriminate, " but only "doesn't like these people, " don't "want people to shove it in their face, " etc.

Certain news reporter: "Another severe case of Bigot's Paradox is spotted in a pair of Trumpist couple."

Karen: "I am not homophobic, I just don't like gay people!"

Tim: "I am not racist, (I have an Libyan-Jewish-Latino-Arabic-Chinese-Native American friend, ) I just don't want them to shove their race into my face."

by well sure January 17, 2021

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Austin Paradox

The scenario of a man having an option between suitors, although not knowing whether the suitors have interest in the man in question, although suspected. Usually consists of four options: choose one, choose the other, wait it out, or start over with a new, unrelated suitor. The scenario usually ends badly for the man in said paradox, and the man is haunted with the thought of what could have been had he chosen another option.

“Yeah, my friend is caught in an Austin Paradox. He’s having a mental breakdown trying to figure out what he should do. I pity him.”

by Helixgamingco August 20, 2021

Auditors Paradox

A company policy whereby the doors are to remain locked until after the Auditor has left the building results in a paradox in which the auditor is unable to leave the building resulting in continuous audit.

You see if we get the company to send an e-mail saying the doors are to remain locked until the auditors leave it will create an Auditors Paradox, the auditor will be unable to leave the building resulting in continuous billing at an hourly rate in perpetuity.

by JimmyJohn7 August 11, 2008

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