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peanut butter kiloran

shawna kiloran and pat kiloran’s dog. the goodest girl. she deserves all the treats.

peanut butter kiloran is superior

by milkkie April 3, 2019

Peanut Butter Hips

A girls hips are rubbery, looking like peanut butter and have canyon thighs.

Damn. Look at that bitch, she got the peanut butter hips and everything!

by The Creator & Definer February 14, 2011

Creamy peanut butter

Comes from a TikTok group where they made TikToks of them saying food names in weird voices.

Young Brother: Honeeeeyyy-
Older Brother: You may got that, but I got the... S U G A R R R
Young Brother: You may got those but I got the... CrEaMy PeAnUt BuTtEr

by BeeaansWhattheheck April 16, 2022

peanut butter lollipop

Eating peanut butter, either crunchy or creamy, from a spoon.

Luscious Lucy: I really need a snack, but I don't want to eat too much bread today.

Raunchy Randy: Make yourself a peanut butter lollipop!

Luscious Lucy: What's that?

Raunchy Randy: Dip any size spoon into a jar of peanut butter and lick away!

Luscious Lucy: Yum, I think I'll try it right now!

by iluvpb March 26, 2011

peanut butter basher

A sexual act that involves taking a basball bat to someones ass, inserting it, and swirling it around. When it it removed, a peanut butter like substance will be extracted and found on the end.

Don't piss me off, I've got a bat and I'll give you a peanut butter basher.

by BadAssInventor August 8, 2012

Peanut Butter Nutsack

A peanut butter nutsack is where your nutsack falls upon a floater in the toilet after a shit. Also a sex technique related to the Cleveland Steamer

I tried to be on time for work but I had a peanut butter nutsack this morning and had to shower again.

by Theoracleofmeme January 30, 2019

Peanut butter egg

When you put your balls in the butt region with peanut butter on them

Damn fam you got some peanut butter egg

by Caboose1256 March 21, 2020