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Santania Hashman. No need for explanation because she is the absolute best.

You are perfect.

by Kmmax October 9, 2019


Charlie slimecicle is literally the ideal male we all love him cause he's done nothing wrong

"when i think of perfect i think of Charlie Slimecicle."

by 420.vapemaster.69 July 3, 2021


Perfect by definition is this boy levi


“Hey how are you”

I’m good yk Levi? Yh well he perfect that’s it nothing more.”

by Juan:I don’t think so August 21, 2021



This boy Levi is perfect by definition

by Juan:I don’t think so August 20, 2021


Dark Hair And Bright Eyes

Person1: My type is Dark Hair And Bright Eyes
Person2: why did you describe me?
Person1: cause your perfect and I love you <33

by Your lover <333 November 29, 2021


You're the definition of perfect <3

Person 1: Hey, do you know (Y/N)? S/he is beautiful!
Person 2: I know right? S/he is so perfect, I'm jealous!

by Timothy's A Liar September 19, 2018


Someone who is gorgeous inside and out and is the most amazing person I have ever met in my life

Morgan Elise lerossignol your perfect and I love you

by Tony_lovesu February 1, 2018