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Renee Rapp

The queen of sapphics, known for her roles as Regina in the 2024 Mean Girls movie and Leighton on TSLOCG

Have you seen Renee Rapp in her new movie?
Heck yea! Sheโ€™s my idol!

by earthgv February 10, 2024


Brittne-Rene is the sweetest and kindest soul you will ever meet. She is a life partner. She feels so deeply and loves so pure. She is loyal and hard working. She is a fighter and a lover. She is one of a kind. Brittne-Rene is your ride or die. She will never leave you or forsake you. She could have anyone she wants but once she wants you, she only wants you.

Brittne-Rene is a lifesaver.

by November 22, 2021


Brittne-Rene is the sweetest and kindest soul you will ever meet. She is a life partner. She feels so deeply and loves so pure. She is loyal and hard working. She is a fighter and a lover. She is one of a kind. Brittne-Rene is your ride or die. She will never leave you or forsake you. She could have anyone she wants but once she wants you, she only wants you.

Brittne-Rene is a lifesaver.

by November 22, 2021

rene garza

Rene is an annoying kid who thinks he is the best. He is terrible at 2k and sucks at soccer.

Rene Garza is terrible at 2k

by john hanckok September 22, 2020

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kaylee renee herrell

Kaylee renee Herrell is the most pretty girl she has kids most likely is single but occupied every now than but is still amazing and can get aggressive but her heart is always in the right pass

Exp: Kaylee renee Herrell walks in the room as 2 kids run to her and gets a text calling her a beautiful aggressive woman

by Loljklol101 October 4, 2017

faith renee

triple threat

did you see faith renee earlier? she was writing it DOWWWNNNNNNNNN

by I donโ€™t like nonces very much May 15, 2022

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