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She is so annoying is she a Sasha

by 1117deadye1117 March 22, 2023


The most beautiful boy in the world. Inside and out." To know him is to love him." He will always be wanting to help everybody. If he could, he would save the goddam world like he saved mine. He will always be open to new ideas and debates them like a philosopher, even the worst resolution he will try to defend to the fullest. He also has a radio voice and a great mic. When in a relationship he's the best boyfriend in the whole universe. And the cutest...

Sasha is a good person, the best person.

by blackbird33 November 30, 2021


Hots, sexy, smart, beautiful, popular, sporty, great voice, great in bed, all the boyz love her, hot blonde, Once in a lifted gurl

Sasha is f*cking perfect

by The truth only 69420 November 24, 2021


Sasha is someone with legs that are too long for the the cover of Vogue, they have massive bazonkas and a phat veluptious ass , they are the baddest bitch there is, they have beautifull green eyes they are a goddess on earth and everyone worships them and the ground they walk on, they also might love ppl with chipped black nail polish but shush. they are the most amazing hot person alive or dead

"who is that beautiful hot person with massive honkers and a phat ass?" "yea that's Sasha 😍"

by urleftnipplepiercing December 23, 2020


Sasha is a girl is sometimes shy and a very weird kind of girl a Sasha has a lot of friends and is probably Russian since it is a Russian name. She gets some boys,She does a lot of crazy weird shit. A Sasha is dumb and Smart.Sasha as a child she has a teen voice (or maybe that's just me cuz i'm a Sasha). Sasha is a gamer girl mostly (and trash at shooting games TwT). Sasha could be with Anxiety or depression... That's it cya Losers UwU

"Hey who is that all I heard is that she is a gamer" "Oh her that's Sasha and yes she is a gamer"

by Unknown_Jackie UwU August 2, 2020


Sasha is an amazing but loud person once you get to know her, she will always be there for you no matter what, She is also really sexy and hot and she can make heads turn when she walks into a room.

Sam: Has anyone seen Sasha?
Person 1: you mean the hottest and sexiest person in the school?
Sam: Yep! that's her.

by Just a lonley girl February 4, 2025


A chinese person who is shit at studies and will be depressed forever .

Who is that chinki kid
It is that nigger sasha

by Hemant Naidu November 4, 2022