Having sex like a whore
Kimberley is such a slut she is constantly sharing the joy with everyone she meets.
Share Monkey
A person that plays the stock market like the roll of a dice. A Share Monkey selects a company share with no regard to fundamentals and who has no ability or understanding of the associated company. Has little or no understanding of business operations, the stock markets or equities. A Share Monkey will select a stock on a whim using such criteria if there is a R in the month or the cows are facing into the wind.
The term Share Monkey is derived from the statement if you get sufficient monkeys and an infinite amount of time then eventually one of them will reproduce a line from the works of Shakespeare, in a similar way a Share Monkey will eventually select a line of winning stock.
Variations: US; Stock Monkey
Tom is just another a Share Monkey , he told me to buy these stocks because he believes if he buys in a Monsoon and the stock will Boom.
Don't trust him, he's just a Share Monkey, a lame statement like"Sell in May then go away" is no basis to invest.
On what basis did this Share Monkey say it was going to Zero
A term to describe an amount of something lost during a process or processing and cannot be retrieved or returned
It was originally coined by the Japanese. During the sake making process to describe when a small amount would evaporate. As they said that portion went to the angels.
This term can used in other situations to describe a loss (of a portion) that cannot be gotten back.
Guy1: What happened to all the sake' we made?
Senior: proably a bit of it evaporated ... we used to call that the angels share. We often imagined they were up there drinking it right now.
A person who describe in detail to much about their personal life without anyone asking.
"Did you hear Lizetter the other day?"
"No, what did she say?"
"She told someone what color her underwear was."
"Oh my god, she is such a sharing sharon."
The thing that pops up when you make a definition on Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary: Please review Urban Dictionary’s content guidelines before writing your definition. Here’s the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
Me: ait bet imma make a definition of this
The unwanted and violating oversharing of personal information from another person for which you could care less.
I ran into Gladys at the supermarket and she share raped me in the produce section for half an hour.
Someone who tend to abuse the share button on social media in an extremely super annoying way.
Martyn Mumby is such a share whore, I find my newsfeed flooded with the stupid, meaningless posts he shares every ten seconds.