The sims the only game where your only job is to fuck everyone and kill all that oppose you
I made myself in The sims and bought 14 dogs. The sims free for all
When you vomit at acceptable levels
The Sims 3 patch notes:
Fixed a tuning issue so that Sims now vomit at acceptable levels
What you say when you or someone else says the word frick.
Me: That got my sim very tense
Jim Sim is a backend developer and a twitch streamer
Hey, you know that Jim Sim guy? no. Oh ok.
Sim Yee is a very unique name, usually a girl's name. The name means someone who is full of talent and a cutie but does not like to admit it, considering she is also shy at times. Sim Yee is also very caring and a wonderful person all-around as she gives you a second chance. If you manage to be friends with a Sim Yee, you do not have to worry whether you made a mistake or not (as it is never a mistake). Her taste in music and aesthetics will definitely please you if you are one to care about stuff like that.
Person 1: Who drew that?
Person 2: Sim Yee did.
Person 1: No way, that's her?
Person 2: Yeah! That's Sim Yee. Told you she was amazing.
a personality type consisting of the following traits
1. Thinks having long hair and tying it up makes him cool
2. Thinks being stupid and useless and lazy at studies is a personality
3. Loud and attention-seeking, sense of humor of a 12 year old
4. Perms his hair thinking it makes him cooler
5. Puts his entire life story in his instagram bio (schools, full name according to passport, one direction quote with rose emoji)
Wow did you guys see Ethan Wong got a perm the other day?
Yes, I think he has nigel sim disorder.
A guy who against all odds, never ceases to get tired. As he stays fresh.
That guy must be Sim bidibim, as he always stays fresh, as he knows he ain't never gonna get fresh.