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white slang

To use correct grammer and/or correct verbiage in everyday conversation. To be grammatically correct.

"You talks funny, usin' them big words and all, I doesn't know no white slang like that"

by nexusrace January 5, 2009

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Oat (slang)

Oat (slang) Oat means Of All Time

Oat (slang)

Friend:Hey man! What’s your favorite color oat?
Friend:Yeah Oat! Of all time!
Me: Oh!! It’s purple!

Friend: Sick! Mines green!

by Cowjooice February 21, 2022

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slang pussy

To sleep with copius amounts of men

I slang pussy to have fun while i wait to meet my potential love.

by Fox-xi7 February 5, 2017

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slang shot

The daily e-mail you receive from Urban Dictionary.

"I really look forward to checking my e-mail in the morning and getting my daily slang shot from Urban Dictionary."

by Chuck Ingersoll January 23, 2007

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Grandma Slang

Words and phrases that elderly people say to eachother that only they know the meanings of.

Grandma Ellen: That's just a hoot and a half!
Jack: What does that mean?
Sam: I don't know; it's grandma slang.

by Dragon Slayer from Colorado August 5, 2012

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Late (slang)

When someone or something has occurred which is bad and cannot be fixed. It can either be late for a person, or a situation can be late
Its late for a person when they find themselves in a problematic situation which they either cannot escape or cannot improve (i.e. getting caught cheating in an exam etc...)

A situation is classified as being 'late' when it is bad, and will almost 100% not have a good outcome (i.e. when you fall down in front of a large group of people)

"Late" situation
Person 1: I saw X got 23% in their exam

Person 2: Ah late

"Late" for a person
Person 1: I got caught cheating in my test
Person 2: Its late for you

Late (slang)

by slavicscammer September 21, 2021

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wannabe slang

A piece of suburban slang whose originator hopes to have elevated to the status of urban slang.

A: I'm getting a bit sick of the "urban word of the day".
B: Yeah I know, half those words are just wannabe slang.

by exyfeplin December 27, 2007

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