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Cook-from-scratch snob

People (usually over 50 who didn't grow up with microwaves and who have spent more years not working than actually working, so they have loads of time on their hands;) looking down their nose at people who don't bake their own bread, make their own jam, make their own pastry, and spend 3 hours a day, chopping and peeling and cooking every last morsel from scratch.

Many of these pseudo-intellectuals claim to even 'grow' their own foods; fruit, veg and grain, etc etc, and they scoff at people who buy frozen veg, and lecture them fervently on how much better 'fresh' is. And they name anyone who uses ready meals as chavs or lazy or somehow sub-intelligent.

Who the hell does Sylvia think she is, having a go at me for giving my kids microwave toad-in-the-whole. She is such a cook-from-scratch snob.

by justakidatheart March 8, 2013

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two steps up from a snob

A clean way of say b***h

She's such a little two steps up from a snob.

by Celestasia May 11, 2005

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Irony snob

As defined by eeClayton:

someone who analyses passages for ironic content, and then remarks - "ha, how ironic"

I hear that television intellectual has a new book out

Yes, that's right. She has hidden her lack of wit with a sarcy kind of irony.

And there is a lame photograph of her in the inside cover, taken whilst she brooded around after graduating from her college course in Sexual Politics or some such pseudo what the what all irony snob

by BewaretheidesofJanuary November 2, 2009

Snob Talker

Someone that always puts big grammar words in almost every sentence on purpose to sound ostentation.

I can barely understand anything Jeff is talking about he's being such a Snob Talker right now.

by DeathScrolls September 17, 2015

Snob Talker

Someone that likes to use big words in every sentence on purpose just to be ostentatious.

I can understand anything Jeff is talking about he's being such a Snob Talker right now.

by DeathScrolls September 17, 2015

Salt Snob

When you think you're too good for normal vape juice so you only vape salt nic.

Eric hit the breeze and started dying when he realized it wasn't salt nic. He's such a salt snob.

by gropey stopey January 22, 2019

Snob Gate

A gate that is used as an entry point to get into a rich neighborhood in order to qualify as a snob gate it must either have a voice entry or snobbier yet a security guard.

Snob 1: I feel so safe living in a gated community.
Snob 2: Yes, Indeed the snob gate keeps all the filthy peasants out.
Snob 1: Right! The other day one of the less fortiunate tried to make eye contact with me I should press charges

Snob 2: You should be carefull, Outside our walls crime is on every corner

Snob Gate Border Patrol Agent: Dont worry thats why im here to make sure none of the filthy get through.

by El_Slapo April 11, 2019