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Subway Station

When an individual or group continuously poop in the same spot without mercy or grace.

The First few weeks on the job was graceful until a subway station hit me of my game.

by GeminiMojoMAC May 23, 2023

Subway gang

To be part of the subway gang your dick has to be 6 inches or bigger

Cletus: damn I can’t be part of the subway gang bc my dick is only 5 1/2”
Leroy: I’m part of the subway gang bc my dick is 6”

Leroys sister: he is definitely part of the subway gang

by Sisterfucker.com October 27, 2020

subway roll

subway roll (n.) - The best twelve inches of your life. The fluffiest, toastiest bread that dreams are made of, which may also be referred to as a "five dollar foot-long".

subway roll (v.) - To gather your homies and head to a party via train.

subway roll (adj.) - To resemble a lumpy pile of blankets seen in a subway station, often indicating a homeless person sleeping.

(n.) "I got a BLT on the honey oat subway roll because I'm trying to be healthier, but I'm also human."
(v.) "Let's subway roll to RJ's to get turnt."
(adj.) "You look mad subway roll in that coat today."

by Dercarler December 9, 2014

subway cookie

Food a homeless man or woman stores between their ass cheeks to prevent other homeless people from stealing it.

It used to be a normal BLT sandwich, but after compressing in his ass, it has flattened into a subway cookie.

by Heckleck February 22, 2016

Subway eater


“What sexuality are you?”
“Oh, I’m a subway eater!”

by Cloudzuwu April 21, 2021

subway baggin

When you have to shit really bad on I35 and the only choice you have now is to put your legs up on the dashboard and blast ass into a Subway bag.

I'm 'bout to be subway baggin all over this bitch.

by subwaybaggins August 2, 2021

arctic subway

Shitting in a condom, freezing it, then using it as a dildo

Fancy a return journey on the arctic subway?

by Hankenstein April 7, 2023