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Te ngo

A traditional Maori name for someone who is the son of Whare

Ay g have u seen te ngo eah ko

by Bbcinsideofme November 23, 2021

Morituri te salutamus

Translation "We who are about to die salute you"
Used in a sarcastic or dramatic tone when an action of risk and uncertain success is about to be taken.

Morituri te salutamus. Avete vos

by Sankoolyt November 11, 2021

va te faire cuire le cul

a bit classier than "va te faire foutre" (fuck off) and stronger than "va te faire cuire un oeuf" (bugger off/leave me alone)

et bien puisque ça ne te convient toujours pas va te faire cuire le cul ...

by poppadoom September 7, 2023


Another word for ”marijuana” in French.

Its verlan for ”shit” which means Marijuana or weed

”Have you heard about all the Te-shi trevor smoked last night?”

”Damn that Te-shi was good! Where did you get it from?”

by Yfrench February 2, 2021

te madre gay

ur mom gay lol no u

die te madre gay ur mom asfaltsvagn EMIL SEHLEEEEEN kingåassså biffen tar dedejeihvkihkfuaea

by betting by sehlen March 15, 2018


Pronoun for transgender.

Guys, te's is drawing a painting!

by bruhanui August 11, 2023


pronoun: used to refer a person that doesn't identify as a man/women, to replace the pronouns they/them
noun: a nonbinary person

James said that te wanted to help me move into my new house
What did te want to do?

by Skull Beats August 10, 2023