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new group

neeeewwwww group with new people

new group means new group

by michelle’s oven May 17, 2021

pink group

A group of friends who been thur a couple of fall outs but that didn’t stop them puls they loves and cares for each so much no matter what .

person 1: i love my pink group
person 2: i wish i had a pink group

by Loveeee367 June 1, 2023

gank group

A group/party that is formed with the sole or primary intention of ganking.

In an MMORPG, a group of players that solely or primarily intend to hunt other players in order to gank them.

That gank group has been ganking people all day, but always runs from a real challenge.

by Aerlyn January 24, 2008

Study group

Study Group is a term used when a group of people form a cult like club. In this club, they have different roles; kidnapper, murderer, actress/actor, hacker, runner, tech guy/girl, stalker,etc. They plot the deaths of people who have hurt them in the past. The Study Group normally doesn't act on their plans, but it depends on the situation. They use the term Study Group as a cover story when they meet for their weekly sessions.

Ex Boyfriend: Hey dumb ass! You're such a slut! I bet you're going to that party tonight to get yourself knocked up!

Olivia: Actually I'm going to a Study Group....

by poutinelover March 8, 2020

group poop

when you and the homies head to a multi-stall bathroom to shit together and chat

“you coming to group poop your school today?”
“sure but i’ll warn you, i had Diarrhea this morning.”

by Ppnecker87 February 3, 2020

Group Poop

When 2 or more people take turns pooin in the same toilet and dont flush until everybody in the group has gone.

In group poop*
john:okay steve your turn!
steve:sure,this one will be massive

by the realest nigga on earth69 September 15, 2019

group hug

When a group of 8 guys all have guns,but only one is loaded, so they all stand in a circle and hold the gun up to the guy in front of them. They will then all pull the trigger at the same time and whoever survives is invited to the group orgee.

"Hey dude we're doing group hug again."
"Again? seriously? why can't we just draw names or some shit?"

by bigballer72 August 13, 2021