Source Code

An Act Of Class

Anything that is "Boss", "Dank", "Dope" or skillfully done.
Usually preformed by "The Classy Act", with some exceptions.

Also, Would Be A Freaking Wicked Awesome Band Name.

Reid is ballin, just being alive for him is an act of class.

An Act Of Class is a fuckin boss band name, like Bad Religion or Pennywise.

by Reid "The Classy Act" February 10, 2008

5👍 3👎

act a fool

to do sumting crazy and our of that ordinary

u jus got hustled fo a wad of cash wat ya'll gonna do? act a fool

by urban b!tch June 20, 2003

62👍 81👎

riot act

A top Pearl Jam album.

Riot Act is a return to form for Vedder and company.

by Patch September 16, 2003

49👍 63👎

cunt acting

Messing around in a stupid fashion in the West of Ireland can be called cunt acting. Wasting ones time on a job that's too hard for to them like fitting a window without having a concept of what the job entails. Or messing around when there's a serious job to be done. Finally when your Gaelic football coach is unhappy with the teams performance and screams from the sidelines in anger and despair for the team to stp the cunt acting

Example1 John: Where's Tommy?
Sean: Trying to fix car.
John: He hasn't a fucking clue what he's at he's only cunt acting

Example2 Person 1:Give me a hand with this will you?
Person 2: We'll be there in a minute we're trying to sell fireworks to these kids.
Person 1: Aww Lads!! Stop the fuck acting will you?! We have to be finished here by 12

Example 3 Coach:Jesus lads we're 14 points down stop the fuck acting for shite's sake

by Smoky D November 15, 2006

24👍 28👎


Act is short for ACTually. It is only used in the indirect questionative form, meaning it is only used to question something someone says but not really looking for an answer.

Person A: Yo that fly hunnies diggin` yo phat ride!
You: ACT?

Just like saying "Really?".

by J master flex November 2, 2005

3👍 56👎

act a fool

to go apeshit

2 fast. 2 furious. 2 fast. Act a fool.

by ds June 18, 2003

47👍 64👎

Acting sus

when someone is acting more gay then they are straight, or the opposite.

someone: "Rebecca has been acting sus, she has been trying to kiss me a lot more often than usual, and that seems kinda sus to me."

by sussyidiot May 19, 2021

8👍 6👎