The way people say yes to something if they are that bored of the conversation that they make a dull monitone sound equal to the noise of really bad sex!
Would you like some cream with your strawberries? Uh - huh
Ah huh... Used when just agree out of surprise or totally agree
Also used when agreeing to a entertaining idea
Or used when you want to mess around and urge someone to agree to something you like or believe
Hey did you see my key's
Jill... Ah huh...there in the bathroom
You want to have a little fun tonight
Brooklynn.... No !
Tony... Ah huh ... It will be fun
When something is surprising in the slightest
Person 1- “Dude I was doing work in a house and something shocked tf out of me!”
Person 2-“ Huh Well,”
When a particular individual states something that you have a particular opinion about, the start of your respons shall be "Huh well". The people who use this phrase tend to be highly intellectual individuals.
"Huh well as a matter of fact, its pretty big for a short individual"
When you are so confused that you can't even say a word
Person 1: wanna play soggy biscuit
Person 2: what the fuck is that
Person 3: Wha a a a-Huh