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Release of forceful air from a smelly overused cunt. Often sounds like a fart. Usually common in hookers.

Eww, Jane you're so gross. I heard that queef slip out.

by Auntie Kweeph June 15, 2004

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Fanny fart (UK) Pussy fart (US)

Emma sure did queef after our sex session last night

by Kingsimes February 6, 2015

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The noise that your sexual partner makes when air is being released from her vagina. It sounds like a fart coming from it and depending who you are, it might be your kink because I know its mine

Girl: Oh my god that was so good, I think I'm going to queef
You: HEHE, Your pussy just farted

by HentaiExpert101 February 19, 2020

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a mystical explosion in a vag

The queef blew the man away

by JimBobMcGee January 19, 2015

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A female frontal fart.

front fart That queef smells like week old dead fish!

by True_Meanings April 28, 2015

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uncontrollable vagina rumble

When Bailey stretches in yoga, she explodes with a queef

by bigbootyjudy626 November 15, 2016

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N: Pussy fart
V: Farting through one's vagina

Joe was giving Jen head and Jen queefed, causing Joe to gag.

by hoagiejr February 9, 2005

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