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Weymouth Scum

a specific breed of scum bag that enjoys selling mids to highschool kids and breaking into old friends houses. Weymouth scum stems from an increase in oxy cotin and a lack of a strong father figure during childhood. One way to identify Weymouth scum is if the suspect is proud of being from Weymouth, that is always a give away they are Weymouth scum. often wearing nike shoes and over sized clothing Weymouth scum will often gather at place in north Weymouth as this is wear they predominantly reside. If you would like to find weymouth scum in their natural environment look at great Eskar park, the shelf, or great hill. try using a scum call by yelling kenny festa! or Derek Nukem! If that doesnt work surely try clcicking your heals 3 times and saying stalberg scum.

want to go to bucks?
why not ?
weymouth scum.
o yeah your right.

by penisflytrap February 16, 2016

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hipster scum

People who think they are hipsters but really live in the suburbs and live in a townhouse and commute in their parents uneco friendly SUV. They think Andy Warhol is god and when asked can't name any works of art. They are not artistic and write lame poetry that is straight out of Dr.Suess with a hint of Dassboard. They buy half tights from Hollister and tell themselves have hip they are. The real hipsters don;t call themselves hipsters anThe d certainly do not read the hipster handbook. Hipster Scum also claim to be very liberal but are really jsut rebeling against there parents. It is rather sad to be a hipster scum of America because they think they are so special but really it has been done before.

HIPSTER SCUM:::people who think if they dont wear deoderant, dont wash their hair and use oil wipes and the same ol eye liner like taxi. they claim to wanna be poor but really are rich. Real hipsters would agree that they are fake and unscene

by ladasay June 13, 2006

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aqua scum

Aqua Scums are non-religious friends that go to Youth Group to hit on the hot christain emo kids.

Aqua Scums are friends that bake cakes for a dead guy.

Aqua Scums are friends who won't sit around and listen to disco on vinyl.

Aqua Scums are friends who dance and sing at their tops of their lungs while listening to disco on vinyl.

Aqua Scums are friends who get carpel tunnel from playing too much flash flash revolution.

Aqua Scums are friends who stalk kids with fros.

Aqua Scums are friends who send fat kids candy.

Aqua Scums are friends that dress each other up in drag, Tim Curry style.

Aqua Scums are friends that openly discuss boy sex very loudly in the halls at school.

Aqua Scums are friends that don't beleive in names, only nicknames.

Aqua Scums are friends that are so perverted they gross out their guy friends....but its just so funny

Aqua Scums are friends that can spend hours shopping in thrift shops for neon coloured plaid pants, stripped wool sweaters (the itchier the better) and old man jackets.

Aqua Scums are friends who actually wear the neon pants, stripped wool sweaters and old man jackets to school.....all at the same time.

Aqua Scums are friends that listen to ridiculously emo songs and then tottaly make fun of it.

Aqua Scums are friends who aren't afraid to admit they have an undying passion for musicians like Soul Decision or....Prince.

Bob: "Yar, Jim! i heard that gay pirates get more booty."

Jim: "Yo! fo sheez! were did ya hear that homie B?"

Bob: "those Aqua Scum girls. After they defeated the gay frenchman Pierre and his army of killer croissants with their rainbow disco laser beams of doooom, they asked me to bend over and let pierre plunder my booty ninja style!"

Jim: "YAR BOB! that's sick!"

Bob: "i know, but aren't they super rad?"

by megan March 28, 2005

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scum of the earth

guys who use girls for their bodies

Men just are the scum of the earth, they genuinely suck I can’t even think of an example that won’t exceed the word count

by asswipe0609 April 24, 2022

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taint scum

1. The accumulation of sweat, dead skin, pubic hair, feces and urine that collects in the area between the genitalia and the anus.
2. A disgusting person.
3. A person that behaves in slimy and questionable ways.

That guy slept with his girlfriend's mother, what taint scum.

by gxory October 25, 2016

toe scum

Climbing term, the act of sqaushing the toe bit of your foot in to whatever space is available to progress through the route

"Hey man, I didn't think you were gonna send it past that crack - that toe scum was mega dude"

by oj roines January 27, 2020

scum trashiness

A displayed behavior that is so low that even trailer trash people think he's disgusting.

Trailer Trash #1:Shit... that fucker doesn't even talk or try to see his kids. I got 5 kids all from different bitches and I see them.

Trailer Trash #2: Yea. That's scum trashiness.
an he don't even pretend he payin fo' any o' thier shit...I gives my kids momma's a $20 now an then.

Trailer Trash #3: What a fuckershmuck.

by chilie* November 9, 2010