When you teabag someone in Titanfall. Can be titan-on-human, human-on-titan, or titan-on-titan. Human-on-human teabagging is frowned upon, because it's not sufficiently epic. Spelled with either a space or a hyphen, because titanbag looks like tit-an-bag, which sounds like a sex thing.
Me: "I'm going to kick the shit out of you in Titanfall, scrub."
UPS Billy: "I'm going to titan bag you every chance I get."
When you sit on the horn of a unicorn anally. Then open your arms up wide (creating the wings) while the theme song from titanic plays. Extra kicker is if you finish on the chest creating the heart of the ocean.
I enjoyed my time preforming the Titanic pegasus with her.
Someone that wears a lot of nike tech fleeces. (probably british)
josh: nice tech fleece, are you a tech titan or cargo crusader
harry: definitely a tech titan
Tits that (like the titanic) are very separate leaving no cleavage.
Dang, I really got titanic tits.
Possibly the hottest MILF in anime existence.
The smiling titan from AOT is so sexy!
A band in North Oconee that is filled with professional victims.
Bob: "Are you in the titan Regiment?"
Charlie: "Can't you tell? My hair is dyed purple!"