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two stogs

synonym to "peace out" as the two fingers in the air can be described as two stogs (cigarettes). Prevalent in the 90s in the San Francisco bay area.

Two stogs, I'm out of here.

by YayaG May 16, 2011


Texting more than one person at a time, thus failing to give your undivided attention to either recipient.

That bastard was two-typing me and his mistress, then he got confused and called me his dirty bit on the side!

by Vizoneski February 6, 2017

two terms

This refers to a person who has served two stints in prison and or has two strikes (Felonies) on their record.

"I have two terms but I swear that I won't quit". (Fetty Wap)

by Jilli Jill February 26, 2016

Press two

Press two is a battle cry in the era of the Napoleon wars. It was mainly used by the British army.

Drop the fucking flag! I said, PRESS 2 you fucking ape! PRESS TWO!!!!

by NOTLAHAVATALL October 2, 2021

Two Dat

What the people of New Orleans say when they want two Saints Superbowl wins back to back.

It comes from the term that is Chanted at the games, Who Dat, as in Who Dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints.

hey can we get a Two Dat?

Who Dat?!

by NOLA Patsmear December 5, 2010

Two for Tupac

The sacrifice of two items to commemorate death of Tupac Shakur.

Person A: Hey, I got some soda. -opens can of soda-
Person B: -takes can- Two for Tupac. -pours two drops of soda onto the floor-
Person A: Dude, are you high?

by takatakita July 31, 2013

too two

In colloquial Chinese, the adjective two (or 2) can sometimes mean bad, vulgar, absurd or any form of inappropriate behaviour.

If one were to interpret this way, "too two" would mean extremely unacceptable behaviour. It is a derogatory term in the worst sense. The term is very powerful due to its rhyme and other verbal effects it creates, use with care to the Asian population.

He who thinks the world is "too simple, sometimes naive" is too two.

by the.user.name.is.taken November 28, 2010