Source Code

Squadron Of Tramps

A group of three or more tramps assembled together. Please note when this squadron is in transit/moving the correct phrase descriptor is 'Flight of a Squadron of Tramps'

Look over there at that Squadron Of Tramps

by GordieLeTramp November 10, 2014

Tramp Scab

The end bit of a sliced potato that still has it's skin on, that's been made into a crisp and found it's way into a bag. Usually about the size of a thumb nail.

(gets passed a sharing packet of crisps) "Oh, great, you've had all the best ones and left me just the Tramp Scabs!"

by Mad Bob January 26, 2020

Finger tramp

A girl who lets herself get fingered very easily.

Joe: I'm so horny.
Rick: Date that girl over there, shes a finger tramp.
Joe: How do you know?
Rick: I fingered her on the first date.

by viper416 January 1, 2014

tramp donkey

Slave brought along to carry baggage where horse can't go

We tired of being ya tramp donkey acting like you some kinda one man gps.

by Dik phuk October 1, 2022

Tramp Train

A person who is ran through so much that they are like train tracks… and is a tramp. Choo! Choo!

Bro have you seen Kaylie, she is such a tramp train. Choo!Choo!

by German Herman April 22, 2022

Tramp gym

Strip club

She was disappointed with Christopher when he took all the guys to tramp gym before the wedding.

by Boathosers May 26, 2019

Tramp clamp

Non violent head lock performed on partner until blowjob is given.

Bro i was getting sick of getting no play so i finally just had to put the old lady in tramp clamp.

by Boss ninja13 June 4, 2016