Tu ball is a very special object ..
It has only been seen and felt by 5 people
Josh, Reece,Kieron,Zoe and Ellie
A very blick boy that is sexy and loves boxing basketball and enjoys football
Doesn't usually fight but when he does he normally injures the person badly
Normally the strongest person if you ever bump into a Tu-wayne dont piss them of
Yo brodie I heard Tu-wayne beat up jay badly!!
Brodie: I was there you cunt
Dejohn: I wish I was there
Tued is a word that can be used as replacement for a bad/swear word.
Suck my Tued.
Mexican insult that means "Fuck your mum", don't even try saying it to anybody
Chingo yo, chingas tu, chinga tu madre!
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Cuban, Dominicans (Republic), and Spaniards: The First Juvenile Release...Ah Tu Maldita Madrina Y Padrino.
A typical sentence used by math teachers to call someone to correct an exercise
x: “today we’ll correct an exercise, imman vieni tu”
Offensive phrase used by Mexicans to refer to your mom naked
Josh: You're so stupid
Diana: Tu mamá en pelotas wey