be as weird as you can for this 6 second video that may or may not go viral
hey hey dude DO IT FOR THE VINE
When the app vine still existed, this was a term used when you wanted someone to do something crazy/funny for a video
Nowadays, the term is said as in "do something crazy/funny for a dumb joke"
This is a nice bridge, from this height, if i fell i probably wouldnt die.
"Do it for the Vine"
K damn *fucking jumps and dies*
An app that was actually good, until TikTok came into existence and ruined it all.
Amigo 1: Hey, do you remember vine?
Amigo 2: Yeah, it sucks that it had to go. Now it’s been replaced by that dumb fucking app TikTok.
Amigo 1: I know, right? It gives me an STD every time I watch it.
Amigo 2: Well, later I guess.
Amigo 1: Ok, kbai.
Vine was an app that was invited between 2013 and died in 2015. Having over 200 users on the app. Obviously people where upset that the app shut down, I mean who wouldn’t be? It’s such a good app anyways. Popular creators that were involved in this app were Lele Pons, Jake Paul/ Logan Paul, etc. aka every bad creator ever to exist. Vine also had a timer. So no video could go past the 6 second time line. Every video that people tried to post over 6 seconds. The people who made the video wouldn’t be able to post it. But if it’s from a camera roll then they would be allowed to