Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, the best thing to come from Canada since maple syrup.
Wade Wilson is awesome!
An Absolute Fucking Legend. With a PHD in economics (Search Him On LinkedIn, he's a public speaker)
That guy is awesome. He's like a baby Garry Wade. All He needs now is to get an economics degree
(n) your worst nightmare; the girl you can’t keep.
wade wales <3
Littlest bitchy boi
Hate him
Very gay
Doesnt kiss the homies goodnight
Favorite meme is John Cena
If I was Samuel Wade Gourley I would die :(
Steve embodies an intriguing blend of arrogance and prima-donna behavior, exuding an unwavering belief in his intellectual superiority and an exaggerated sense of busyness. Despite his self-proclaimed brilliance, a closer examination reveals a significant incongruence between perception and reality. In truth, Steve's contributions to work are disproportionately meager, and his sense of purpose appears thinly veiled by a facade of self-importance. This paradoxical combination paints a portrait of an individual whose self-perception diverges markedly from the observable impact of his efforts, prompting reflection on the authenticity of his claimed intelligence and busyness.
In the office, Steve Wade's grandiose claims of unparalleled intelligence and perpetual busyness often ring hollow, as colleagues observe a conspicuous misalignment between his self-perception and the tangible impact of his meager contributions to work and purpose.
Wade diston is a lit lad who everyone loves
Wade diston is a lad