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key wallet

a small bag special for keys
it looks like a wallet but you can only put your keys inside

A) Have you seen my key wallet?
B) I'm not sure... what is a "key wallet" ?
A) It's like a wallet but a bit heavier because the keys are inside it
B) oh yeah... There it is

by Ugly Angel August 22, 2010

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The Wallet Ender

"The Wallet Ender" is a term that is often used to describe a small village pub in Folkestone. It is supposedly an upper class pub however at times it is often over ridden with working class scumbags. The average pint is ยฃ3 so if you bring your wallet in there; it will soon be destroyed, hence the name.

Mate 1: You up for going out tonight mate?
Mate 2: Yeah definitely mate, where you thinking of going, I might pop down the Master Brewer for a few.
Mate 1: Fuck me! The Wallet Ender? I've just been paid I ain't going anywhere near there, jesus.
Mate 2: But they sell Hurlimann.

by Oh My Diddy February 29, 2008

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jail wallet

A jail wallet is what goes in your butt often in jail

Dude I just became the wallet Jose went in

I snuck the Coke and Meth in through my jail wallet.

by James_kuczma on instagram March 28, 2016

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sausage wallet

describes a woman who is loose or gives sex freely... Also known as a whore, or slut. A woman who sleeps around with many men.

I really don't like that sausage wallet, she is nasty.

by ivanna kitty August 29, 2008

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sausage wallet

a slang term for vagina

Blaine is such a sausage wallet.

by 69lecates69 July 15, 2008

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sausage wallet

the elizabethan word for "whore".

girl 1: i was in my leopard enclosure today, and my favourite leopard, lydia, was totally sexing 2 of my other leopards!
girl 2: my, oh my! what a sausage wallet!

by alice babes November 2, 2008

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knob wallet

a ladies prick purse,
a place where the gentleman can make a deposit using his minge plow.

''christ its cold in the sea today, my cock will look like a cocktail sausage'' said dave to his sister whilst swimming. '' don't worry '' she replied ,'' you can pop it in my knob wallet later to warm it up''

by rupert- trumpington-cornflake February 27, 2009

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