A long/large penis used to wrangle in women.
Scott plans to use his White Wrangler on that pretty girl Laura at the bar tonight.
The only guy who works in an office of women and keeps the bitchiness in line.
Joe: man the chicks at work got into it today.
Sam: good thing you're a good Beaver Wrangler and whipped them back into shape.
A female pedophile. Not leemins !
dab: you a winky wrangler leemins?
leemins: give me a min, I gotta catch up
One who chooses to chase after stank flange.
Someone who loves the smell of rotting flange.
A person who cannot get any pussy other than nasty pussy.
Ted: Hey i pulled another girl last night!
Dave: All you get is nasty puss my dude you flange wrangler
A person / friend who is tasked with wrangling and controlling a group of drunks
Friend one "I'm not drinking tonight"
Friend two "I guess you'll be the drunk Wrangler"
1. A derogatory term used synonymously with a****** Or jerk.
2. Double Autundra referring to hand jobs. Can refer to someone who is bad or good at hand jobs
" She had the hands Of an arm wrestler she was a real rope Wrangler"
" Dawg she so good with her hands she a real rope wrangler "
" chuck's a real rope wrangler for cutting our pay"